Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brunelleschi's Courage

I believe that Brunelleschi's courage is the most important characteristic to build the dome. Although he had plans and skills to build the dome, but he also needed courage to construct the dome. The dome of Santa Maria was an abandoned work because everyone thought that it was impossible to be build, but Brunelleschi wanted to complete this large dome. This showed that he had courage because he was not afraid of trying impossible things. He dared to try something that everyone failed on. Other than trying challenging things, he was also a man with strong will. Brunelleschi's ideas was once rejected by the people and they kicked him out of the building. He got really mad for a few days but he never gave up. He discussed with the people again and finally, they understood what he meant and agreed with him. Brunelleschi was not only a man with strong will but he also had courage. Even though he had faced failure, but he still had confidence and courage to try again. Courage helped Brunelleschi a lot in completing the dome. Without courage, he would have give up on the dome and the ideas of constructing large domes will vanish.