Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Colonization- Ethnocentricity

The First Australians and the British caused conflicts when the British attempted to establish their culture and colonize Australia. The British wanted to brought their culture into Australia and transformed it, so that it was similar to England. Before the British performed that, they decided that they should civilize one of the leaders of the aboriginal and showed him the advanced life of England. Thus, they kidnapped Bennelong, a leader of the First Australians, and returned to England with him. Meanwhile, Bennelong escaped back to Australia and attacked Governor Phillip when he visited Bennelong again. Therefore, a small conflict occurred between the British and the First Australians. After the retirement of Governor Phillip and the death of Bennelong, more conflicts happened between the two groups. The British continued to develop their territories and culture. The most critical conflict was when the British settled down on Windradyne's land of without his permission. Windradyne was really mad at the British and started to kill them and destroyed their houses. Similarly, the military forces of the British was allowed to eliminate the aboriginal and eventually, a war broke out between the two forces. As a result, ethnocentricity and colonization often caused negative impacts, such as conflicts and war, which destroyed the harmony and peace of a land.

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