Thursday, March 5, 2009

Enviromental Factors

I would look for a river because we can use the river awter for survival and other reason. The water can be used for drinking and cooking(after boiling). It will lead to the sea and we can use that to travel. The river water can be used for bathing and washing clothes and other things. The land near the river will fertile so we can grow crops on it. The crops can be used for food and maybe even for building shelters.

Trees can be in many reasons. One is that they could give food for living. The second is that the wood can be used for building shelters and other things like tools, fence to keep enemies away. Trees can also be a protecters to keep us safe from enemies.

Hills are another good place for building a village becasue they are high, they can protect us from outsiders. The environment on hills is also cooler than lowlands. Plants can also grow well on hills, which means that we can grow food plants. Hills usually have many rainfalls, so water would be available. The hill can also be used as a look-out point for what happens away from the hills.

1 comment:

  1. Good ideas. So your community will live on a hill, next to a river!

    Trees protect us from the heat and dangerous rays of the sun. But I don't know if they can truly protect us from our enemies... :-)
