Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Spring Break

During the last spring break, my mother and i went to Singapore for a short visit. We stayed there over three days and returned on Thursday. We flew Malaysia airline and we stayed in a hotel. We went there because my sister is studying there and my mother had a dental appointment with her dentist in Singapore.

On Monday, we had a Malaysia airline flight from KLIA and arrived in Singapore Changi airport. When we arrived, my sister was waiting for us outside the airport. At first, we took a cab to the Mandirin Hotel in Orchard Road. Then, my mom went to see her dentist. After that, we had lunch and just walked around down the Orchard Road for the evening.

The next morning, we had a late breakfast and we rode a cable car to Sentosa Island. On Sentosa Island, many rides were fun especially the skyride. I like the skyride because I can see the beach and many luge( luge is a racing game with a car like a mototrcycle) riding under me. After riding the skyride, we went for a walk to the underwater world aquarium. The fish in the aquarium were beautiful. There were sharks, jelly fish and many other fish. Late in the evening, we returned to Singapore and went back to hotel to rest. After dinner, we walked to the merlion before coming back to the hotel. The merlion is a mythical creature that has head of a lion and the body and the tail of a mermaid. The merlion became a popular tourist attraction because it is beautiful.

After a sleep, I woke up full of excitement in the morning because I thought we were going to somewhere that is fun but my mom went to see her dentist again for a check up. After that, my mom and my sister as they shopped around in Singapore. My mom and my sister love shopping. With this in mind, I followed them shopping quietly. This was the most boring day in Singapore.

The next morning, we woke up late and spent time packing after breakfast before catching the 1 o'clock flight back to KL. The rest of the day in my spring break was boring. In spite of that, i enjoyed the few days in Singapore. I enjoyed the clean air and the fun rides in Sentosa. I like Singapore and would like to go back there again.


  1. Thanks for posting on time. My comments will follow soon.

  2. You repeated "there" many times in the first paragraph, and then began the second paragraph with that same sentence.

    Check your capitalization.

    Instead of "We went there by Malaysia airlines" try "We flew Malaysian Airlines".

    "The next morning, we had breakfast and then rode the cable car to Sentosa Island"

    Why was the Skyride fun? Describe!

    What happened at the aquarium? What was special about it? Describe! Explain!

    "After a sleep on Tuesday, we woke up on Wednesday" - redundant. Why not just say we went to bed exhausted but woke up fully refreshed the next day and eager for more excitement!"

    I like how you mentioned the Merlion and then gave an appropriate description. What would make this more interesting is if you explained why Singapore chose this as a landmark?

    Would you like to review this before I grade it?
