Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Name

My name is not a common name and this is why I like my name. My name is Wai Ho. Wai Ho is a very special name to me because it is rare and uncommon. Maybe that's why people didn't make fun of my name or gave me a nickname. I never met anyone that has same name with me before and I like this. It is not a good thing to have someone that has same name with me, because people will make fun of you. I knew it because I always make fun of people that has same name. I also like my name because I got this name since I was born. I don't want to change it because I don't want to memorize a new name. My friends and teachers will also have to start remembering my new name and it is hard for them to suddenly stop calling me Wai Ho. Wai Ho is translated from Chinese name. When I was a child, I always wanted to know why I was named Wai Ho. My parents told me that this name was given by a great monk. Also, Wai Ho means precious and proud. I like my name now and I wish I won't change my name forever. I am very proud to be Wai Ho.

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