Sunday, September 5, 2010

My favorite story- What makes a good story?

After reading the short stories in this unit, I think that the most interesting story is "Lamb to the Slaughter" because this story is very ironic and calculating. My favourite part of the story is when Mary Maloney purposely put the leg of lamb into the oven and waited for the policemen to notice it. She is really smart because the policemen will not suspect her if she offered them to eat the lamb shank. I am very surprise that Mary Maloney, an ordinary and caring housewife, can make up a ruse and bewilder the policemen like this. The ending of the story also leave me a deep impression because it is very strange and irony. The policemen destroyed the only evidence when they were supposed to look for the murder weapon. Particularly when the policemen were stating that the weapon is somewhere around the premises while they were enjoying the leg of lamb. Mary Maloney made the policemen themselves to vanish the only evidence. Overall, the way Mary Maloney puzzled and confuse the policemen to protect her baby makes this a good story.

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