Monday, November 1, 2010

The Renaissance Man- Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance man, because he explored many different subjects during the Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci was a very famous artist, because he painted many fantastic paintings, like the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. Other than being an artist, Leonardo is also interested in Science. He loved to study the human's muscle and expressions, and applied them in his painting. He created a new drawing technique called the anatomical accuracy, which is adding details to the human to make them more realistic. Leonardo was also an engineer, because he invented and designed many machines. He became the military engineer of Milan when Milan had war with France. Leonardo mastered art, Science and engineering. He not only invented new machines for engineering, but also found out many new facts about humans in Science. Leonardo dared to try and explained many ideas that no one had ever tried before, which made him one of the most important man during the Renaissance.

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