Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Learning Profile

Today in Humanities, we spent the class looking on our learning profile. I figured out that I am a J profile, which is a gestalt learner. I preferred looking at the big picture, instead of focusing on details and I did not really like to organize or sort things neatly. Although my friends thought that I am a very organized person, but I will only be organized when I had to. J profile learners are balanced in art and music. Mathematics will be beneficial for me. As I studied my profile, I found out that I learned best when I am allowed to listen to music or walked around when I am confused. I often performed those actions at home when I was doing my homework, which proved the learning profile is quite accurate.

I need to sit at the right side of the room because my left ear is the dominant ear. This can make me hear better in class and easier to memorize everything I learned. It is also helpful if I can walk around while I am confused or stressful. In order to improve the logic side of my brain, I need to look things in details and follow instructions according to the steps.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is to play soccer or martial arts, preferably tai-chi. Dancing can be helpful too but I probably will not do that because I hate it. Or, when I am distracted or got stuck at something, I can always use the brain gym activities like drawing the infinity sign or making something that has symmetry with both of my hand. Listening to music while working is a good strategy to help me in my learning too. I can think better and relax if I am allowed to work with music. Furthermore, I must remember I can not multi-task. Sometimes, I will play games while I am doing my homework, which will take more time to complete the homework. These strategies will improve me in my learning and they are useful to me any time in my life.

Something I would like my teacher to know is that I had to walk around when I am stressed or confused and I often choose to sit at the right side of the room because I can hear better. I would also like to have work that are in steps so that I can improve the logic side of my brain. Sometimes, I might need help in looking at the details because I often miss out some details. After learning more about myself and finding the strategies, I hope they can improve my learning skills throughout my school life.

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