Monday, March 28, 2011


After taking over Australia and controlling over the aboriginal for so many years, I think is time for the White Australians to realize their mistakes. The aboriginal were innocent and happy when they were living in Australia until the British arrived. They successfully took over Australia and started planning about eliminating the First Australians, which was where the conflicts and tragedies occurred. First of all, the White Australians started reducing the aboriginal by basically kidnapping the half-caste away and sent them to a camp. This was a very terrible idea because they separated the children from their parents. The White Australians did not consider about the awfulness of breaking a family apart. All they knew was that the aboriginal had to become like the White Australian, and they never thought about the feelings that the aboriginal had. They did not know or care about how much impact they had done to the parents of the lost generation. In other words, the White Australians never treated the aboriginal nicely and kindly although they thought they were helping the aboriginal. Furthermore, forcing the lost generation to learn the British life had destroyed the original culture of the First Australians. They taught the aboriginal's kids English and forced them to live in a whole new life. Thus, when the lost generation grew up, the aboriginal's culture will be forgotten and lost forever. Do you think this is fair to the First Australians who lived in Australia before them? Do you think separating the aboriginal's children from their parents and culture is an honorable act? Therefore, realize your mistakes now and fixed them before it is too late, and a formal apology to the aboriginal will be appropriate.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rabbit Proof fence- Molly

A hero is a person who is brave and cares about the others. Molly is definitely a hero because she is not only daring, but also takes care about her sisters and makes good decisions for them. Before Molly escapes from the concentration camp, she takes time to figure out whether this place is suitable for them. Furthermore, she is very intelligent because she waits for the rain when she escapes. Although Daisy and Grace want to stay in the camp, Molly forces them to escape with her because she knows that staying in the camp is not good for them. Besides, Molly is very brave too as she takes the risk to escape. She decides to break out of the camp even though she understands that the punishment is serious. Molly is also a very good tracker as she lures the tracker that chases them to a different direction successfully. Molly is a strong and sturdy leader because she manages to stay calm and leads her sisters back home even in such critical situation.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Colonization- Ethnocentricity

The First Australians and the British caused conflicts when the British attempted to establish their culture and colonize Australia. The British wanted to brought their culture into Australia and transformed it, so that it was similar to England. Before the British performed that, they decided that they should civilize one of the leaders of the aboriginal and showed him the advanced life of England. Thus, they kidnapped Bennelong, a leader of the First Australians, and returned to England with him. Meanwhile, Bennelong escaped back to Australia and attacked Governor Phillip when he visited Bennelong again. Therefore, a small conflict occurred between the British and the First Australians. After the retirement of Governor Phillip and the death of Bennelong, more conflicts happened between the two groups. The British continued to develop their territories and culture. The most critical conflict was when the British settled down on Windradyne's land of without his permission. Windradyne was really mad at the British and started to kill them and destroyed their houses. Similarly, the military forces of the British was allowed to eliminate the aboriginal and eventually, a war broke out between the two forces. As a result, ethnocentricity and colonization often caused negative impacts, such as conflicts and war, which destroyed the harmony and peace of a land.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Julius Caesar - Solo Acting

Act I, Scene 1, Lines 89- 117

" I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus,
As well as I do know your outward favour.
Well, honour is the subject of my story.
I cannot tell what you and other men
Think of this life; but, for my single self,
I had as lief not be as live to be
In awe of such a thing as I myself.
I was born free as Caesar; so were you:
We both have fed as well, and we can both
Endure the winter's cold as well as he:
For once, upon a raw and gusty day,
The troubled Tiber chafing with her shores,
Caesar said to me 'Darest thou, Cassius, now
Leap in with me into this angry flood,
And swim to yonder point?' Upon the word,
Accoutred as I was, I plunged in
And bade him follow; so indeed he did.
The torrent roar'd, and we did buffet it
With lusty sinews, throwing it aside
And stemming it with hearts of controversy;
But ere we could arrive the point proposed,
Caesar cried 'Help me, Cassius, or I sink!'
I, as Aeneas, our great ancestor,
Did from the flames of
Troy upon his shoulder
The old Anchises bear, so from the waves of
Did I the tired Caesar. And this man
Is now become a god, and Cassius is
A wretched creature and must bend his body,
If Caesar carelessly but nod on him. "


In this scene, Caesar just returned from a war on the Feast of Lupercal, and he was being crowned while Cassius and Brutus were having a conversation. Cassius was trying to destroy the close relationship between Brutus and Caesar, and also convinced Brutus to stop Caesar from growing power.


This quote indicates the characterization of Cassius because it showed that Cassius was being manipulative as he tried to brainwash Brutus. At the same time, it characterized Cassius as cunning because he knew Brutus was very honourable, so Cassius attracted Brutus' attention and trust by referring to honour.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Learning Profile

Today in Humanities, we spent the class looking on our learning profile. I figured out that I am a J profile, which is a gestalt learner. I preferred looking at the big picture, instead of focusing on details and I did not really like to organize or sort things neatly. Although my friends thought that I am a very organized person, but I will only be organized when I had to. J profile learners are balanced in art and music. Mathematics will be beneficial for me. As I studied my profile, I found out that I learned best when I am allowed to listen to music or walked around when I am confused. I often performed those actions at home when I was doing my homework, which proved the learning profile is quite accurate.

I need to sit at the right side of the room because my left ear is the dominant ear. This can make me hear better in class and easier to memorize everything I learned. It is also helpful if I can walk around while I am confused or stressful. In order to improve the logic side of my brain, I need to look things in details and follow instructions according to the steps.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is to play soccer or martial arts, preferably tai-chi. Dancing can be helpful too but I probably will not do that because I hate it. Or, when I am distracted or got stuck at something, I can always use the brain gym activities like drawing the infinity sign or making something that has symmetry with both of my hand. Listening to music while working is a good strategy to help me in my learning too. I can think better and relax if I am allowed to work with music. Furthermore, I must remember I can not multi-task. Sometimes, I will play games while I am doing my homework, which will take more time to complete the homework. These strategies will improve me in my learning and they are useful to me any time in my life.

Something I would like my teacher to know is that I had to walk around when I am stressed or confused and I often choose to sit at the right side of the room because I can hear better. I would also like to have work that are in steps so that I can improve the logic side of my brain. Sometimes, I might need help in looking at the details because I often miss out some details. After learning more about myself and finding the strategies, I hope they can improve my learning skills throughout my school life.