Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Name

My name is not a common name and this is why I like my name. My name is Wai Ho. Wai Ho is a very special name to me because it is rare and uncommon. Maybe that's why people didn't make fun of my name or gave me a nickname. I never met anyone that has same name with me before and I like this. It is not a good thing to have someone that has same name with me, because people will make fun of you. I knew it because I always make fun of people that has same name. I also like my name because I got this name since I was born. I don't want to change it because I don't want to memorize a new name. My friends and teachers will also have to start remembering my new name and it is hard for them to suddenly stop calling me Wai Ho. Wai Ho is translated from Chinese name. When I was a child, I always wanted to know why I was named Wai Ho. My parents told me that this name was given by a great monk. Also, Wai Ho means precious and proud. I like my name now and I wish I won't change my name forever. I am very proud to be Wai Ho.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Theseus' journey

My myth book's hero is Theseus. Theseus is a strong and brave hero. He was the prince of Athens. He didn't know he was the prince of Athens until her mother told him that his father was King Aegeus. He decided to go to Athens to find his father. On his journey to Athen, he defeated a few villains. He defeated Isthmus the Tree-Bender, Crommyonian the Killer Boar and Sciron the Guardian ofthe Highway. After he became the Prince of Athen, He fought with Poseidon's bull and killed it. Poseidon, the god of sea was mad at Theseus and put a curse at Athens. Theseus decided to kill the bull's son, Minotaur in Troezon. He went to Troezon with a boat and went into the Labyrinth to fight with Minotaur. At last, he killed Minotaur and went back to Athens. King Aegeus told Theseus to put the white sail if he success, but Theseus forgot and put up the black sail. King Aegeus thought Theseus was defeated and jumped into the sea.

Monday, June 1, 2009

About Me

I am Law Wai Ho and I am going to introduce myself. I am a Malaysian. I am the youngest in my family. I am going to the seven grade. I like horror books but I hate non fiction books. I used to go to local school before. I like ISKL because the bag pack is lighter. The teachers in ISKL is more friendly too. My favorite subject is Math.

I joined ISKL in the middle of the second trimester in the six grade last year. I have been moved up to ESL 4 from ESL 3. I hope I can move to Humanities soon. This is all about me.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Spring Break

During the last spring break, my mother and i went to Singapore for a short visit. We stayed there over three days and returned on Thursday. We flew Malaysia airline and we stayed in a hotel. We went there because my sister is studying there and my mother had a dental appointment with her dentist in Singapore.

On Monday, we had a Malaysia airline flight from KLIA and arrived in Singapore Changi airport. When we arrived, my sister was waiting for us outside the airport. At first, we took a cab to the Mandirin Hotel in Orchard Road. Then, my mom went to see her dentist. After that, we had lunch and just walked around down the Orchard Road for the evening.

The next morning, we had a late breakfast and we rode a cable car to Sentosa Island. On Sentosa Island, many rides were fun especially the skyride. I like the skyride because I can see the beach and many luge( luge is a racing game with a car like a mototrcycle) riding under me. After riding the skyride, we went for a walk to the underwater world aquarium. The fish in the aquarium were beautiful. There were sharks, jelly fish and many other fish. Late in the evening, we returned to Singapore and went back to hotel to rest. After dinner, we walked to the merlion before coming back to the hotel. The merlion is a mythical creature that has head of a lion and the body and the tail of a mermaid. The merlion became a popular tourist attraction because it is beautiful.

After a sleep, I woke up full of excitement in the morning because I thought we were going to somewhere that is fun but my mom went to see her dentist again for a check up. After that, my mom and my sister as they shopped around in Singapore. My mom and my sister love shopping. With this in mind, I followed them shopping quietly. This was the most boring day in Singapore.

The next morning, we woke up late and spent time packing after breakfast before catching the 1 o'clock flight back to KL. The rest of the day in my spring break was boring. In spite of that, i enjoyed the few days in Singapore. I enjoyed the clean air and the fun rides in Sentosa. I like Singapore and would like to go back there again.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Enviromental Factors

I would look for a river because we can use the river awter for survival and other reason. The water can be used for drinking and cooking(after boiling). It will lead to the sea and we can use that to travel. The river water can be used for bathing and washing clothes and other things. The land near the river will fertile so we can grow crops on it. The crops can be used for food and maybe even for building shelters.

Trees can be in many reasons. One is that they could give food for living. The second is that the wood can be used for building shelters and other things like tools, fence to keep enemies away. Trees can also be a protecters to keep us safe from enemies.

Hills are another good place for building a village becasue they are high, they can protect us from outsiders. The environment on hills is also cooler than lowlands. Plants can also grow well on hills, which means that we can grow food plants. Hills usually have many rainfalls, so water would be available. The hill can also be used as a look-out point for what happens away from the hills.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Is Malaysia a Civilization?

Stable food supply
We all need food to survive. Malaysia has few stable food supplies. Rubber, palm oil, and cocoa are the agriculture of Malaysia. In addition to these products, Malaysian farmers produce a number of fruits and vegetables for the domestic market, including coconuts, durian, rice, and rambutans. The tropical climate in Malaysia is best for the production of these fruits and vegetables. By the way, I dislike the smell of durian.

Islam is the country's official religion. Nearly all the world religions, including Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity can be found in Malaysia. Most Muslims are Malay, most Hindus Indian, and most Buddhists Chinese. Feel lucky to be a Malaysian student, because I can have lot of different festivals holidays throughout the year: Chinese New Year, thaipusam, Wesak day and Christmas. My family is Buddhism, we often go to temple and pray.

Malaysia made several technological advances. One of the most notable innovations in Malaysia is the creation of national car. Malaysia has made a very big effort to produce it own car’s brand –proton. Proton is the Malaysian national automobile manufacturer which was established in 1983.

Social structure
Class position in Malaysia depends on many factors, which include specialized skills, and family money. Malaysia has a complex system of titles. In Malaysia, federal awards are granted by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and some may carry the following federal titles. These titles include Tun, Tan Sri and Datuk.

Malaysia's government is headed by the king whose position rotates among the nine Malay rulers every five years. The king selects the prime minister in parliament. The Head of State is the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, and the Head of Government is the Prime Minister.

Malaysia has a highly developed culture, including the arts. The traditional handicrafts of Malaysia include the textile, basketwork and woodcarvings. Malaysian arts also include batik cloth.
The music of Malaysia has influences from the Indonesia, from Thai and even Chinese style. As in dance, music in modern Malaysia is divided into traditional and western types. Traditional music is usually present with the traditional theatre forms such as Mak Yong, Wayang Kulit, Joget Gamelan, and many other entertainment activities.

Writing Malay is normally written using Latin alphabet called Rumi. Students taking Malay language examination in Malaysia have the option of answering questions using Jawi. The Latin alphabet, however, is still the most commonly used in Malaysia

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Life in 2020

In 2020 years, which is 11 years later, many things will be different. I can call my friend using a television. I can teleport to anywhere I like. The cars can fly and there is no traffic jam. I think I will be studying in London because my sister and my brother are studying in London. I can play games on the television. I don't have to wear spectacles anymore because we can do lazer and fix our eyes. Many buildings will be taller than KLCC. If we stand on the tallest building in the world, we can see the whole Earth and there will be many shopping malls and restaurants on the moon. We can shop or eat on the moon.